Family Trees

Descendants of Henry McElroy and Joanna Chambers

This page identifies many of the descendants of Henry McElroy, who, along with his wife Joanna Chambers, and their children Patrick, John, Mary, Robert, and Margaret formed one of the original military families that settled in Richmond, Ontario circa 1820.

Other than myself, this table is limited to my father's generation and before. Because of privacy considerations, I have excluded most living descendants.


Clearly there are some large gaps in my knowledge of Henry's descendants -- for example, the descendants (if any) of Henry's son John of Kingston, Ontario; the descendants, of Mary McElroy and George Knox of Wingham, Ontario; the descendants of Susan McElroy and Lauchlin McLean of Clinton, Ontario; the descendants of Margaret McElroy and Aaron Chambers of Kingston, Jamaica, etc., etc. Any information on these, or other gaps, or missing details about those listed, would be appreciated. (If a detail such as a date, location, name, etc., is missing from the above table, it is because I am unaware of it.)

The descendants of Margaret McElroy and William Beckett are listed twice. This is an artifact of Margaret and William being first cousins.

If you are listed in the above table, I am embarrassed that I have inadvertently intruded upon your privacy without permission. If desired, let me know and I will remove you from the table.

Conversely, if you are a descendant of Henry McElroy and are not included in the table and would like to be, let me know, and I will include you if I can without compromising anyone else's privacy.